< Go Back Second Income Employees Posted: Aug 13, 2015 If you are an employee resident in the UK and you have a second income working for yourself and the income has not been declared or has been understated , HMRC is offering taxpayers in this situation a chance to make a voluntary declaration to bring their tax affairs up to date , with a minimal penalty . A second income could be from such sources as :
Consultancy fees .
Organizing events and parties .
Services such as taxi driving, hairdressing, personal training etc.
Making and selling craft items and food .
Buying and selling on line or at market stalls and car boot sales .
If you do not make a voluntary declaration and HMRC find out that you owe tax , you may be liable to higher penalties or face criminal prosecution . I will help you to make a voluntary declaration or deal with any HMRC which has already started to ensure the tax and penalties are minimised .